

Use Sync to copy or move files between folders and libraries

Use Sync to copy or move files between folders and libraries. SharePoint Folders and libraries are designed to organize your files and documents.

Create a sync copy

The sync copy is created on your local workstation in the default path. Click SmartSync | Go Online to begin synchronizing your sync copy with the parent file.

azcopy sync

2023年10月17日 — 概要 · 根據預設,遞迴旗標為true,且同步會複製所有子目錄。 · 在虛擬目錄之間同步處理時,如果有與其中一個虛擬目錄同名的Blob,請將尾端斜線新增至路徑( ...

理解rclone copy 與rclone sync 的異同

理解rclone copy 與rclone sync 的異同最佳的理解方式,當然是從文檔開始閱讀> >


FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your important files. Instead of copying ...

BlueXP 複本與同步文件

BlueXP copy and sync is a cloud replication and synchronization service for transferring NAS data between on-premises and cloud object stores. 開始使用.

rclone sync

rclone sync. Make source and dest identical, modifying destination only. Synopsis. Sync the source to the destination, changing the destination only.

What is a conflicted file copy?

A conflict can occur when two people have uploaded the same file at the same time. Sync will log each one as a different version. It will save the original file ...

BlueXP 複本與同步總覽

2023年5月8日 — NetApp BlueXP 複製與同步服務提供簡單、安全且自動化的方法、可將您的資料移轉至雲端或內部部署的任何目標。無論是檔案型NAS 資料集( NFS 或SMB ...